Street artist Pejac has recently graced the streets of Rijeka, Croatia. Pejac is known for his thought-provoking art that fuses cleverly with the environment.
His first contribution was a tribute to René Magritte titled ‘Camouflage’. Belgian surrealist artist Magritte became well-known for a number of witty and thought-provoking images. Often depicting ordinary objects in an unusual context, his work is known for challenging observers’ preconditioned perceptions of reality. Pejac managed to conquer this tribute with a young boy throwing rocks smashing windows and then cleverly carving into the window glass birds in flight.
“On a surrealistic level I made a call to attention to nature’s survival instinct – flock of birds camouflage as broken windows in order to blend in and disappear to the human eye for the sake of their survival. As a secondary reading I’m playing with a tribute to René Magritte’s birds holding the sky within them.” Pejac
His second mural was titled ‘Brain Drain’ this time referring to the complexity of human mind and how it can be used to inflict pain onto others. He paints a Jelly Fish to represent the human brain.
“A representation of humanity where people can be seen as drifting jellyfishes with complex thinking minds. We are all highly capable minds carrying a subtle hidden dark side capable of inflicting damage to others we cross a path with. At the same time it is symbolising the forced exodus of creative minds from the origin places in the search of a better life.” Pejac
Pejac third mural is titled ‘Ashes to Ashes’. Here Pejac highlights the hunting tourism in Croatia. Pejac scratches off the moss and concrete wall to reveal the animal. Highlighting the animals beauty and natural stance grazing.
“Before taking off to Croatia it was sadly brought to my attention that the country bear hunting tourism is on the rise thanks to their endless beautiful forests holding a large bear community. Luckily I’m convinced that despite how many animals get killed for amusement, nature will always persist. In such spirit the work was not painted but revealed by scratching off the wall.” Pejac
Another great visit by Pejac.
Photo credit Pejac