South African based street artist Sonny has recently brought out New York City’s wild side by painting two of natures most beautiful big cats in the big city. The murals that have been a roaring success are the Lion which is part of his world wide project ‘To The Bone‘, and and the Tiger, with The LISA Project NYC, as part of Project CAT, a partnership with Discovery Communications, with both projects raising much needed awareness for endangered wildlife before it’s too late.
Join us and take a walk on the wild-side as we chat with Sonny about his work and his true passion for wildlife. Check it out …
Tell us a bit about your background and how you became an artist.
I don’t have any formal training and am pretty much self-taught. I was always creative and loved to draw, but growing up music was where I put my creative energy. It was only in my mid-twenties that I started getting really interested in painting and started teaching myself about colour theory, spraying, Photoshop and I kinda got obsessed.
When and what age did you become interested in urban art?
I grew up in Manchester before moving to South Africa when I was 11 years old. As a kid in England, I remember being intrigued with graffiti! I think my love for it started way back then. So, when I started getting into art in my twenties, obviously street art became a driving force. After a few indoor murals, I painted my first street mural at the end of 2014 and the I immediately knew that this is what I wanted to be doing!
Who and what are your biggest influences; people, movements, styles?
In street art, I guess photorealism had a big influence on me for a while, but lately I’m more interested in abstract styles and how this allows you a different kind of creative freedom. It’s hard to pin point certain things, I feel like I’m being influenced by the scene as a whole at the moment… there’s so much going on right now, it’s awesome!
You are now based in South Africa, did the African wildlife there inspire you to paint these beautiful animals?
Yes, for sure! I’ve grown up in South Africa with it all around me. The African animals fascinated me from the first time I saw them and continue to do so to this day, hence why they have been a main subject in my work.
You paint patterns onto your animals, is there a reason behind this?
I often paint animals with native patterns from their home country. These patterns are used to show how important these animals are to the country’s culture, heritage and people. The message is a simple one; if we lose these animals, we will be losing a huge part of ourselves too. That’s why often the patterns are dripping away, showing how we are losing our legacy.
When did you begin to realise the importance of conservation and the crisis that the animal kingdom faces?
I think it was just a combination of many documentaries, online articles and news over the years really. They became more frequent and the situation seemed to be getting increasingly worse which really started to play on my mind. So when I planned my first body of canvas work it was a no brainer for me to try do something to help. And combining my exhibition work with my street art just meant that I could reach so many more people with my message.
Would you tell us why, and what message do you hope to convey through your art project 'To The Bone'?
I hope to convey the message that these animals are important to us all. I want each country and every person living there to realise what their own animals mean to them. On a more global level, I want the world to see how each species plays an intricate role in creating the world we live in. Losing our wildlife would be devastating for the planet and we are not far away from this actually happening… it’s not something we can fix later!
What feedback have you got so far?
Feedback has been great so far, the project is starting to grow and more importantly it’s starting a conversation online and on the streets!
You have painted in New York and Canada so far for your project 'To The Bone', where will you be painting next?
Next I paint in Vladivostok, Russia, where I will also be vising some of the IFAW conservation projects that I’m supporting. After that I will be going to Ireland, Amsterdam, London with a few other countries on the horizon…
How long will the project 'To The Bone' take you?
I’m not sure, I’m letting it grow organically at the moment…
How much does your art affect or influence your everyday life?
Art is my everyday life! I don’t do much else haha
When you're not painting what other interests do you have?
I used to play music for many years but just haven’t had the time lately with the art and I’ve sadly let dust settle on my guitars. I do find time to skate and slackline from time to time though. And drinking good beer with friends!
We would like to thank Sonny for taking the time out of his busy schedule to chat with us. We salute him for raising much needed awareness of the depliction of our animal kingdom, and for his passion to keep these beautiful animals roaming our world.
If you would like to become more involved with ‘To The Bone’ project then check out Sonny’s website here.
Stay tuned at graffitistreet.com/news to see what animal graces the streets next…