aptART (Awareness & Prevention Through Art) are back in Jordan with another street art initiative inspiring women across Jordan.
In the village of Kharja, Jordan, just ten kilometers from the Syrian border, a women’s gym stands as a meeting place and community space for Jordanian and Syrian women. The gym was built with the support of Mercy Corps and holds regular exercise classes, provides workout machines, and creates an environment for women to strengthen themselves physically, and also mentally, strengthening their bonds with one another.
AptART held a meeting with the women who attend the gym to discuss issues that are important to them in their community. Topics and ideas discussed were strength, leadership, community bonds, rights, resilience in adversity, and education. The women then painted their ideas across the wall, flanking a woman painted by street artist Jonathan Darby, whose artistic concern often deals with sociopolitical and humanitarian themes.
The image of a strong woman with the community’s messages stands as a beacon of inspiration for not only the women who attend the gym but for all who pass by.” Samantha Robison
AptART believe an educated population is vital for a healthy and successful society and both men and women deserve equal access to education and pupils need role models to inspire them. With this in mind their next project took them to a school in Nuymeh, Jordan.
There are many male role models images in Jordan, but there are no images of female role models… and aptART were ready to change this! In an effort to inspire the young girls a meeting was held at the school and the pupils were encouraged to discuss issues most important to them, such as freedom, equality and empowerment. The girls then painted their words onto the wall.
The messages ascended up a massive wall into the face of a peaceful and strong woman. Her face is adorned with tattoos traditional to Jordan and the Levant. Inside her hijab reads…
“The secret to creativity is the freedom of thought”
The painting, by Jonathan Darby, is visible for miles. The mural portrays a strong female role model with free expression written around her, echoing a woman’s strength to stand up for equality wherever she may roam.
Photo Credit AptART.
With support from Montana Cans (official).