With the success of the Chichester Street Art festival in 2013, organised by Neil Lawson Baker, Street Art London and the National Open Art Competition, other famous muralists have visited and painted in Chichester since then thanks to GraffitiStreet. We take a look at all the street art in Chichester and what to expect when visiting this historic city.
The following murals by artists STIK, Christiaan Nagel, Cityzen Kane, Dscreet, Hitnes, Liqen, NUNCA, Phlegm, ROA, RUN, Thierry Noir, The Rolling People, HUNTO, J P S and Joachim can now be found dotted around the Cathedral city of Chichester.
London-based artist STIK left two of his STIK figures in Chichester, these can be found on North Pallant on the side of Superdrug, East Street. STIK murals are found worldwide, and STIK started painting these figures as an outlet when he was homeless. Since those days, STIK’s work has become highly collectable, and selfless STIK has raised thousands for charities with his artwork sales.
STIK, Chichester. Photo Credit Graffitistreet
Berlin-based Thierry Noir left a permanent mural on the side of the Metro house. The mural is dedicated to The Beatles!! Thierry Noir is a French artist who moved to Berlin and was one of the first to deface the Berlin Wall with his art. Thierry painted quickly due to the guards, so only took 2 to 3 colours with him during that time. We were lucky enough to chat with Thierry Noir about those times, an inspirational artist who travels the world with his art and insightful stories.
Thierry Noir, Chichester. Photo Credit Graffitistreet
The metro house, on the Northgate roundabout, also housed street art murals by Coventry-based artist Phlegm, Hitness, Liqen and Italian artist RUN.
Phlegm, Chichester. Photo credit Neal scott /Graffitistreet Hitness, Chichester. Photo credit Graffitistreet
RUN, Chichester. Photo credit Graffitistreet
The Chichester College is a magnet for street art and you can find artists like Dscreet, Run, phlegm and The rolling people.
Dscreet, Chichester College. Photo credit GraffitiStreet The Rolling People, Chichester College. Photo credit GraffitiStreet Run and Phlegm collab, Chichester College. Photo Credit GraffitiStreet Run and Phlegm collab, Chichester College. Photo Credit GraffitiStreet
Brazilian artist Nunca painted his mural on Cathedral Garage on the corner of Spitalfield Lane and St Pancras. Nunca’s inspiration was the horseracing at Goodwood. Nunca chose this spot as it was en route to Goodwood racecourse.
Ghent artist ROA famous all over the world for his animal murals painted two birds in Baffins Lane car park. The birds aren’t as deconstructed as most of his murals! however …
ROA, Chichester. Photo Credit GraffitiStreet
…ROA had painted another mural on the outskirts of Chichester. However, this was removed due to site development. So all we have are our pictures from the site.
Roa, Chichester. Photo Credit GraffitiStreet Roa, Chichester. Photo Credit GraffitiStreet Roa, Chichester. Photo Credit GraffitiStreet Roa, Chichester. Photo Credit GraffitiStreet
Continuing in Baffins Lane car park, tucked around the corner is a gate featuring an owl by Dscreet.
Dscreet, Chichester. Photo Credit Neal Scott /GraffitiStreet
Belgian artist Joachim ‘The Watchdog’ can be found on East Pallant! This was painted after his previous mural, ‘The King of Cats,’ was painted white by the Chichester council due to the mural being ‘anti-social’!
Joachim, King of Cats, Street Art Mural, Chichester 2017. Photo Credit graffitistreet Joachim, King of Cats, Street Art Mural, Chichester 2017. Photo Credit graffitistreet
Chichester residents were outraged by the council’s actions and asked the artist to return and paint again. Local team GraffitiStreet flew Joachim in, and ‘The Watchdog’ was painted in the early hours to keep an eye on any anti-social behaviour!! The mural can be found behind Superdrug…
Joachim ‘The Watchdog’. Photo Credit Alex Stanhope /GraffitiStreet Joachim ‘The Watchdog’. Photo Credit Alex Stanhope /GraffitiStreet Joachim ‘The Watchdog’. Photo Credit Alex Stanhope /GraffitiStreet Joachim ‘The Watchdog’. Photo Credit Alex Stanhope /GraffitiStreet
Stencil artist J PS left ‘Rainbow Cat’ on the side of Cotes restaurant, South street.
J PS also left one of his stencil cats on the entrance to La Havana bar… tip.. catch a beer in the underground venue La Havana bar to see more art left by thirsty street artists over the years!
J PS La Havana, Chichester. Photo credit Graffitistreet.com J PS La Havana, Chichester. Photo credit Graffitistreet.com
Italian artist Hunto visited GraffitiStreet HQ and couldn’t leave without painting a mural. You can find Hunto’s work worldwide, especially in London, where he now resides in the street art capital of Shoreditch. The mural can be found in Confucius Chinese Restaurant on Cooper Street.
Hunto, Chichester. Photo credit Graffitistreet.com Hunto, Chichester. Photo credit Graffitistreet.com
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Check out our online store for artwork from Chichester street artists here. Please contact us for any commissions here.